Synopsis: Lady Elyssa Yamato Amaterasu Wentworth is a centuries-old vampire who's been given a new servant-Jacob, a total alpha male unaccustomed to submitting to any woman's wishes. What really binds Jacob to her are not her sensual midnight hungers, but something far more provocative. It stirs her blood, renews her life, and awakens her soul like only true love can. The passion between Elyssa and Jacob yields something else unexpected -- a shared history that reaches back through the centuries and is fated to challenge their destiny like nothing ever will again.
The Vampire Queen’s Servant, written by Joey W. Hill, is a beautiful story of a Vampire Queen who has lived a very long life and suffered love, violence, and loss, only to have love find her again. At first, I was leery to read this story because of its graphic content of bondage, discipline, sadism & masochism. I’ve never understood why people would submit themselves to BDSM, but I know that some find it very erotic and fascinating. This book brought me to a new level of understanding. The draw that Lady Lyssa and Jacob have in this story is definitely worth reading!
Ms. Hill holds a fantastic writing skill. Her ability to write such detail so easily, and also write in such an understandable way, made reading this book a fast read and very addictive. By the time I finished reading this love story, I had to get the next in the series.
During my reading, I kept wondering where we were going next. I tried to understand how they each seemed to be drawn to each other. What bound (no pun intended) them together and kept them coming back for more. My biggest question was, if this man, Jacob wanted to be Lady Lyssa’s servant, why did he fight being submissive. My theory was, he wanted to be her lover and perhaps his way of getting into her presence to prove himself, was to take on the role of her servant. I can only hope as I continue reading that I will learn much more of Jacob’s motives.
Excellent book! I would recommend this book, but understand, this book is graphic albeit, very well and tastefully written.
You can find @JoeyWHill's website on my sidebar.